Episode 121 – Concealed Carry Interview

Preparing for your security should not be overlooked. I agree that guns and ammo are not the end all be all for survival however just read FerFal’s blog and make note of what he says for the need for security. So in this episode I interview Jon Hodoway. He’s a very accomplished firearms trainer and a very informative outspoken person on the right to defend oneself. I first learned about Jon from the Handgun Podcast. After he made some comments about some things I said on my Handgun World Show, he made the offer to come on my show. I know some of you don’t listen to that show, so I made the decision to replay the interview here on this show this week. We discuss things like choosing a self protection gun, stopping power, caliber, high end 1911’s and why he does not like the .380acp caliber. I think you’ll find this to be quite informative.

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Bob Mayne
Today’s Survival Show

Episode 120 – What I’m thankful for and how it helps me survive.

During this Thanksgiving Holiday and important survival message would be to explain what we have to be thankful for and how survivalism starts with being content. So even though this is a brief message, I hope you’ll find a few of my personal struggles and eye opening experience to help you with your preparations. I discuss security, finances, gathering supplies, learning skills and I also give you a brief history of Thanksgiving and how the plight of the pilgrims give us all a good survival example to follow. Hope you enjoy this show and have a Happy Thanksgiving!