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Personal Responsibility

Episode 246 – Prepping Advice and Relocation Choices

The first half of this episode is some specific prepping advice for those of you perfecting or even just beginning your common sense survival plan. Then the 2nd half is dedicated to analyzing the various parts of the USA that is the most friendly to preppers. Links: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/what-is-the-best-place-to-live-in-the-united-states-to-prepare-for-the-coming-economic-collapse http://joelskousen.com/strategic.html http://futurestorm.blogspot.com/2011/01/is-major-earthquake-along-new-madrid.html

Episode 245 – Reloading Ammo

Ammunition and Weapons are part of your preps. We can’t survival on them alone, but no doubt they are an important prep. On this podcast, Mark and Joe from the forum discuss how to reload your own ammunition.