Episode 56 – Disneyland Activism

Disneyland  Activism.  I will define it and also let you hear a recording define it even better.  But that’s what we really have in this country.  We have an illusion of the right to peacefully protest.  Not the real freedom to do so.  But how much of a right to protest do we really have?  The process of getting a permit is layered with way too much red tape.


  • What do you have to go through to exercise common rights and be able to peacefully protest?
  • What rights do we really have?
  • Do people have a right to medical treatment regardless of whether or not they can pay for it?
  • Who can give you your rights, the Constitution or the Congress?
  • What is a right vs. a privilege?
  • Audio clip by Naomi Wolf explaining Disneyland Activism
  • How we need to remember President Kennedy’s words, “If we don’t make peaceful revolution possible, we will make violent revolution inevitable.”
  • And some thought provoking principles that I learned at Constitutional history course.

Bob Mayne

Today’s Survival Show

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