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Survival Philosophy

Episode 74- Stress Management, Part 2

Stress management part 2 on how to deal with major events in our life now and after the SHTF.  I cover a little deeper definition of what stress actually is in layman’s terms and how it affects us.  Also, I’ll talk about the stress response.  Usually in a survival situation, your stress response will make […]

Episode 67 – Peaceful revolution part 2, audio clip of Cody Lundin on 98.6 degrees

Peaceful revolution part 2 and an audio clip of Cody Lundin on 98.6 degrees.  In this episode I continue with my thoughts on taking personal responsibility for defending yourself against, terrorism, weather events, flu, layoffs,biological or dirty bomb attacks, etc. Also in this show an audio clip of Cody Lundin, author of “98.6 degrees” and […]