Episode 124 – When bad things happen to good people.

Too often people don’t believe something bad can happen. So that’s one reason they’re not prepared when it does. They often have a look of disbelief and seem to go into shock because a disaster is taking place before their very eyes. On December 14, 2010 a gunman by the name of Clay Duke began shooting at a school board meeting in Florida. It resulted in him taking his own life and thankfully no one else was killed. However, I think the bigger tragedy was the members of the school board who couldn’t believe it was happening. Their lack of action could have resulted in a much greater tragedy. Do you sincerely believe it’s possible for you to be caught in something like this? I hope so. I realize we don’t want to live our lives in fear, but you need to have a plan and be able to execute it if you find yourself victimized by something like this. In this episode I interview Jon Hodoway, a prominent self defense trainer. You’ll enjoy the interview. Please remember to join our forum and don’t forget to support my show with a purchase of one of my CD’s or digital downloads on preparedness and shooting skills.

Bob Mayne
Today’s Survival Show

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